Throughout my study of the Bible, I have come across many verses about Jesus. The main things that Jesus did for us are these:
1. He was born sinless.
2. He grew up and ministered about His Father (God).
3. He died for our sins.
4. He conquered death so we can have life.
5. He ascended into heaven as the Right Hand of God to intercede for us.
But that is not all.
He didn't defeat death just so we could be saved. He didn't live a sinless life just because He wanted to. He didn't die that way just so we could have eternal life with Him.
He did all that and more... because He loves us and wants to know us intimately. As a best friend. As sons and daughters. As servant and master. As Savior and sinner. As God and people. A simple fact we tend to forget about His birth, death, and resurrection.
So I try and remember more often that He died because He wants to know me. To be my friend. To be the person who I could always go to. To love me. To care for me. To pray for me. To be with me in everything I do. He is truly my best friend. And realizing that Jesus' death wasn't just to save me... but to get to know me and for me to get to know Him, makes me want to know Him more because who - a human- do you know, would do all that for you and everyone else on the planet?
Yeah. Don't you just love Jesus now?
Amen Sister!! Those words are so true!