In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Free me from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O LORD, the God of truth. Psalm 31
About Me
- MJ
- I am far from perfect. I fear a lot of things; most realistic, yet all irrational because the only thing I should truly fear is God. I find myself fearing the little things and being afraid of God. I fall every day: I have cursed, I have judged, I have neglected to do God's Will, I have put my foot in my mouth countless times and I have given up. It is obvious that I cannot live life on my own. It is utterly impossible. I am dependent. I am needy. I am selfish. I am sinful. I am human.. However, the most important thing about me; I am forgiven.
Write to write. Right not wrong. Prayer not flight.
When the music fades..
Best I can.
Constant changing doubt.
Thoughts at 3am.
I wrote this a few weeks ago and I've never posted it.. but now here it is.
I feel as if I am in limbo. I feel that I've made my decision to be somebody, yet I cannot be that person until I change how I act. How I live my life. How I choose. Who I chose. Who I live for..
And I have made the decision everyday.
I always want to choose God. To love and live for Him daily. But of course I'm human. I fail. I place earthly, insignificant things before Him. I choose to live for myself and then when my life starts to crumble and not make any sense, I go running to God. It's how it works. Never fails.
But I don't like that. I hate how I don't want to fix my issues. I want to fix them, but I don't want to hurry. I want to take my good ol' dandy time. There isn't time though. I could die tonight. In the next five minutes. And I wouldn't have a chance to show His love. To make the difference I want to make. I long to make.
I've had this feeling all year long.
I want to mission but is it really what I want? I didn't have the passion to mission until after I read Flabbergasted! I feel like I am copying Ray and I don't really have a passion that in my life.
But I know that isn't how it is really.. how do I know if God didn't let me read that book so I could gain the passion for missioning by simply reading? I don't. It is probably why, anyway. God gave me it.
Now comes the part I don't like. Why aren't I pursuing it?
Those are my thoughts. I know why I'm not going all in. I'm lazy, I'm scared, I'm worried, I'm too young, I'm not the right person, ect. ect.
And there are bible verses for each one too. And are few that covers them all too. i.e. (John 3:16-17. Jeremiah 29:11.)
So, what then? Why am I not moving? Why am I not taking the necessary steps to change my attitude? Why am I not pursuing God with a fiery vigor that I know I have in my heart? Why am I not loving to the potential that God has placed in me? Why, why, why?
"Why" probably isn't the question anymore. It doesn't matter why. Never has, and never will. Because even though I don't feel the boiling longing I have to love others, doesn't mean I shouldn't.
Feelings are lousy leaders.
I try and not act on my feelings. Ever. It's always a bad thing to act on my feelings. If I did, I would have ran away when trouble came instead of finding my strength through a song God showed me. I would have drop kicked my sisters ex when he left her. I would have cursed out my step grandfather when he messaged me on face book for leaving me. Like I did act on my feelings when I left my best friend when we argued.
Lousy is correct. My relationship with my best friend is much different than it used to be. Harder. There is more doubt. More trying involved. An honest face straining to be real, means well, yet sometimes, it feels like it is fake.
But that doesn't matter anymore. It is a new relationship through the hardships.
My passion is here. Always has been because God put it there. And always will be until I deliberately mute it. I will choose again, like I will daily, I love. Love when it is hard. When it makes no sense. When situations don't call for it. And when I hurt. When I'm confused. When I doubt. Because.. loving the easy to love is easy. Loving hard to love, takes hard work and strength. And if I have that strength.. I can do anything I set my mind to.
Humbled and moving forward.
" It is 11:30 at night. I look at the clock and sigh; I should start getting ready for bed. My exhaustion presses around me like the darkness outside. And my to-do list doesn’t make things any better.
I feel like a failure.
Instead of a glorious line of checks, there are only a few scattered ones. The paper that seemed so innocent this morning now glares up at me, a blatant reminder of all I have left undone. I fight against the tears that threaten my eyes, but it’s late at night and thus battles are futile. “It’s not even like I worked hard whenever I could but was gone all day or helping Mom or something,” I whimper. “I just…wasted…so much time. I procrastinated. And now look what I’ve done!” Now I really feel like a failure.
I brush the list onto the floor, and discover the slip of paper that had been under it. “Only God gets his to-do list done every day,” reads the quote from C.J. Mahaney. And it’s true, of course, and sort of comforting. But it’s also a nagging reminder that while He’s always faithful, I’m not.
I’m reminded of this a lot, actually, because there are many nights when I feel I haven’t worked as I should. I love this bit from the Book of Common Prayer’s “Confession of Sin” that prays, “We confess we have sinned against You…by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.” I love this, perhaps because it doesn’t always occur to me to ask forgiveness for what I haven’t done – be it a kindness or my schoolwork or so many other things. And on these days when I look at my list, realize all I haven’t done, and feel like a failure, I realize just how human I really am.
I am not God. I am a finite creature – and I will fail sometimes. Failing, of course, is different from declaring myself a failure: that is a lie, although one I am prone to struggle with when I’m tired. Yet it is precisely my failures and faithlessness that makes me more grateful for God. The world is not on my shoulders – it’s on His. And He is perfectly faithful in running it.
Faithful. What does that mean, anyway? It took me awhile to discover that it meant something other than “sticking to your to-do list” or “working diligently”. Yet it actually means “trustworthy.” No doubt a diligent worker is also a trustworthy one, but when the Bible talks about God’s faithfulness, it really means I can trust Him.
I can trust that He is working in my life even when I’m tired and feel like I’ve ruined everything; I can trust in His promises when life is difficult and I’m surrounded by shadows. I used to wonder to myself, “I know the Bible says I can trust God, and I know I can trust him completely with my head…but sometimes that message never gets through to my heart. How can I know He’ll come through on His promises? I haven’t seen it firsthand.”
Yet I realized something this year, as the nativities and ornaments and packages surrounded me on Christmas. God’s ultimate promise was redemption; His ultimate promise was that He would send Jesus, a Messiah, a Savior. And if I know that He did that, than I can trust Him to come through on every one of His other promises. In sending Jesus, He proved once and for all that He is perfectly faithful and perfectly trustworthy.
And that is comforting to me, even as I’m frustrated over my own lack of diligence. No amount of faithlessness on my part could ever change His faithfulness to me. Nothing I do could ever mess up God’s plans. And if He is perfectly trustworthy, than that means He will also come through on His promise to forgive me.
That is perhaps the greatest promise ever made. And that makes me grateful, even when it’s 11:30 at night. "
This is my life right now.
I have to do lists and I barely scrape what I really need to do. I do the easiest one first and save the more time consuming one for last. I don't even start. Or I start allll of them at once to get some done and I overwork myself and don't get anything done at all.
I really don't know how to fix this.. this procrastination. And when I say that I realize I cannot ever fix it. I just have to do it. And then I realize I don't want to do it because I am content. Gah, that word looks like a curse word to me now. Content. And I begrudgingly say that with a sour face.
I don't want to be content with that as a fruit in my life. That isn't a fruit God wants me to have. He wants me to produce self discipline. That word seems like a safe haven to me now.. daunting, but a safe haven because I know it is real.
To end this blog I am going to say I am formed against myself. My human nature is battling against me while God works through me. I don't even know if any of this makes sense to you who read this.. but I've made the decision in myself to finish what I start and not look back.
Peace out ya'll.
I have been ungrateful.
I have complained doing simple work.
I have not rested in God.
I have not given it back to God.
Things I realized:
~I don't want to be the girl looking at the clock and waiting for a phone call. I enjoy talking on the phone, but I don't want it to be a priority, but a treat. Today I didn't deserve a treat. I've done nothing, and I've been rude and not acting like Christ, haven't even really honestly tried. I could if I wanted to. I just don't really want to.. which is why I am in this blah mood. Because I've been lazy and haven't done anything with Christ's attitude.
~I should still praise God for being Him and loving me and being my God when I don't act right. When I ignore what I should be doing. When I become lazy. When I dwell on crap and when I put otherthings before Him.
Because He still chose me. Through alllllll of my stupidity. Through all of my not wanting to follow Him. He chose me. When a milllllion of other days, I could be doing the right thing and he could choose me then, He chose me today. On my bad day. As well as those good days. I should still work for His Glory on my bad days. Because many people can be good on good days, and follow God on good days. But its on the bad days that counts, its the bad days when people see you get up and choose to follow Him.
God, I choose to follow you. Today. On my bad day. Without comfort from people. Without peace. Without feeling. Because You deserve it and I never do. Because you love me when I choose not to love You. Just because You are You.
Dreamer Part one.
Dreamer Introduction.
I read half of the book today just trying to get this funky feeling off of my spirit. I prayed and it went away but I still desire to grow closer to God and He is calling me.. but I realize I have become so lost and confused as to what He is personally calling me to and what other people say God is calling my generation to.
I am going to reread the first chapter tonight and post what I am learning from it on here so I have an account of my growth when I don't see it... and so you have an account of God's movement in me so you can specifically pray for me about what you believe God is wanting me to know. I don't know exactly how I will put everything on here, but I'll answer some of the questions that a book study usually asks and write down God's revelations to me.
I am also praying that God changes me so much that Nobodies and Anybodies can see a major difference in me and choose to do the same thing for His glory.
My name is Mallory and I am a Somebody, choosing to chase and fight for my Big Dream that the Dream Giver has sent me.
Unique but not alone.
More than me.
One chance one choice one moment.
I'm going to be blunt.
We all had a wonderful, fantastic, breathtaking, life changing, renewing, words cannot even try to describe, time in Hotlanta. Can you agree?
BUT. I've noticed that since we've gotten back, how we are in church, cause that is the only time I see pretty much all of you, we haevn't been as passionate like we were in Georgia.
I believe Og is here. That he is in the way. That he is sucking us into his bed again. Now more than ever because we just got back from a spiritual experience where we all just fall over from the force of God's glory we felt there.
Reggie Dabbs spoke at winter fest a few years back and one thing he said that caught my attention reminds me of Og. He stated that after ever time you get up from a fall, no matter the circumstance, after Satan kicked you down.. when you get up and knock the dirt, the hurt, the tears, the pain, off of you.. Satan is right there kicking you back down before you even breath. He wants you down. He wants us not moving.
How is that helpful?
Because when you are moving forward.. every time you get up it is harder than before. Because You are moving forward, every time you feel.. so attacked.. So dead.. you are fighting for balance. But like this quote, you can't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.. if you let it overcome you, the topsy tervie feeling, the vertigo.. you will never win.
If you have forgotten about Og, which hopefully you haven't.. but is mentioned in Deuteronomy He is the last of the Rephaim and has a really really big bed. It was made of iron and more than 13 feet long and 6 feet wide.
Deuteronomy 3:11.
For those of you who weren't there.. Why a bed.. Why A BIG Bed?
The bed equals laziness. Other adjectives are rest, contentment, sluggish, slothful, inactive, and my favorite lackadaisical.
But the word that describes the bed the most accurate is inactive. That word is pretty much self explanatory. You are not active. Not moving.
Yes, God may tell you to wait, to be still, but that doesn't mean to be inactive.
When Mark preached the other week I heard what God was telling me. Intimidation. I am intimidated speaking up here, to all of you, with your eyes watching me. I am afraid so much right now. But I don't care because this is waht God called me to do this week. Og is intimidating. I'm not running though. I'm pushing his bed over. I'm making a difference. I'm encountering change. I'm moving forward. Like we stated we would in Georgia.
Now we ask "How"? It's summer, no school, no place to witness to our friends.
There are a ton of things we can do around here. There are families who need help. There are elderly who need help. Your neighbors need help. There are single mothers who need help. There are homless people who need help. There are kids just like those in Atlanta.. HERE.. who need help.
And we don't have to wait for Brian to plan a date at a soup kitchen to make a difference. Go there yourself and sign yourself up first! Make the move and you'll be blessed.
Elijah ran and hid. He was intimidated by the queen. How many of you are hiding? How many of you are running? I know I wasn't doing anything until God showed me that Og was here. We released Og in Atlanta! He cannot be hre. He isn't allowed. Why have we let him come back! Even though Satan keeps knocking us down.. God still has us. We just have to keep getting up. Just keep moving forward!
And then, only then, we will reach our goal. We will reach those kids again. Will we reach our church again. We will reach our friends again. We will reach Revival.
Like this
"We are trying to get a free tee shirt. Pushing and bumping into everyone.. but we keep working. We want that tee shirt so badly. So we keep reaching and reaching.. and finally, out of all those peole, we get it."
Are you going to reach with me?
The moon and stars, the sun and rain
Every nation will proclaim
That You are God and You will reign~
take a step
nothing changes unless we take a step towards change
and I think God wants you to take a step
that is terrifying you
It'll be revealed today
and you're not going to see it right away
but thats what you gotta do. "
Even though I have no idea what I will not see right away. I trying to accept, trust, love, wait, praise that God is still God. I sort of feel like Peter. When God said you will deny me 3 times before the rooster crows. I feel like I'm trying to not "miss" what God wants me to do. Trying to follow God before the rooster crows. So I'm praying. For strength. For peace. For patience. For clarity. For Him.
Then.. I have to wait, walk, and trust. Blindly.
Thought 2
Warrior is a Child- Twila Paris
Lately I've been winning battles left and right
But even winners can get wounded in the fight
People say that I'm amazing
I'm strong beyond my years
But they don't see inside of me
I'm hiding all the tears
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
(Look up for His smile)
'Coz deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child
Unafraid because His arrow is the best
But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest
People say that I'm amazing
I never face retreat oh no
But they don't see the enemies
That lay me at His feet
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
(Look up for His smile)
'Coz deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
(Look up for His smile)
'Coz deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child
Good song, great lyrics. Yeah, meditate on this. It's really good.
Struck down, but not destroyed.
I am blessed beyond the curse.
For His promise will endure.
And His joy will be my strength.
Though the sorrow may last for the night.
His joy comes with the morning.